Policing priorities: Not the easy targets, oh no. Never.

I see that while the police weren’t able to keep a crowd of yobbos away from the Prince of Wales, they were able to put the fear of all holy fuck into a 12 year old boy who wanted to picket his constituency MP, David ‘Heir to Blair’ Cameron, over the closure of local facilities.


Click through, and once you’ve digested the main thread of the story, steel yourself for a masterpiece of self-serving dissemblance from the Thames Valley Power Rangers.


4 thoughts on “Policing priorities: Not the easy targets, oh no. Never.

  1. An utter, utter disgrace – David Cameron says he wants people to participate in politics, to take responsibility, to be involved in the democratic process and to promote the Big Society. Yet when a twelve year old boy takes the initiative and tries to organise a peaceful process, this happens. Not surprising, when the Coalition are nothing more than ZanuLabour under another name, authoritarian to their finger tips. As for the police, they have long forgotten that they are servants of the people and not defenders of the politicos… shame on all of them.

  2. “As for the police, they have long forgotten that they are servants of the people and not defenders of the politicos…”

    I’m normally the first to criticise the police when they step out of line. But it’s hard to see how they aren’t damned if they do, damned if they don’t when riots start….

  3. And actually, it’s interesting to see the Guardian getting its knickers in a twist here.

    Because if little Nicky had set up a Facebook account to, say, halt Third World immigration to his village, or insist that the authorities move a bunch of gypsies off the village green, all those commenters defending his ‘freedom of speech’ and slamming the authorities for ‘scaring’ him would be calling for his immediate detention, if not waterboarding…

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